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the printables
downloadable & printable e-books, workbooks, journals (and more)
*For personal use only.
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guided and prompted meditation journal
6" x 9" - hardcover or paperback - 100 pages
8.5" x 11" - Hardcover or paperback - 200 pages
lined notebook pages with space for a date
Anchor 1
You Are Still Everywhere
A sweet little book about the signs we receive from loved ones from beyond.
Signs and reminders from your loved one are everywhere, if you just look...
Has your child or one that you know lost a loved one?
Death can be a tough subject to talk about, but it is the only thing we can all count on experiencing in life. Let this book be a comfort for your child or a child you know who is grieving the loss of a loved one.
Have you ever lost someone that was special to you?
This book doesn't really have an age limit...I wrote it as a comfort for myself when I was 34 and lost my very best friend. No matter your age, the message this book holds can be kind of like a little hug. A reminder that your special someone is never very far away - they still have their own little ways for them to say they love and miss you too.
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